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The DeltaX Report API offers a programmatic method to access data from DeltaX. The API is a secure way to pull data from DeltaX - both standard reports and custom queries (via support request) are supported.

For a detailed list of supported reports, please read below. Available reports may change - it is recommended to generate the API URLs from the DeltaX Platform UI.


We use a user-based authorization secret key for the API endpoint. To view your token, please follow the following steps:

  1. Login to the platform.
  2. Click on your user icon - on the right top of the screen.
  3. Select 'Secret Key'.
  4. Copy the 'Secret Key' which is displayed.

Available Formats

The API allows exporting data as CSV or as HTML.

Format Description
CSV Comma Separated Values with a single header row
HTML HTML web-query based report. Useful for importing in applications like MS Excel.

Standard Reports Types

ID Report Name Report Category
1001 Ad Performance By Day Connected Channels
1002 Ad Performance by Day Ad Server
1006 Ad Performance By Hour Ad Server
1011 By Campaign by Channel Reach & Frequency Ad Server
1014 Channel Performance By Day Ad Server
1018 External External Channels
1019 ExternalGoals External Channels
1020 ExternalStage External Channels
1022 Geo Report Ad Server
1033 Line Item Meta Budget Center
1038 Search Campaign Report by Device by Day Connected Channels
1040 Social Ad Performance By Day Connected Channels
1050 Cart Insights Tracking & Attribution
1051 ClickConvStageByOS Tracking & Attribution
1052 List of all campaigns across channels Connected Channels
1054 Raw Conversion Log Data (Sitelinks) Tracking & Attribution
1055 Raw Conversions by hour for all stages Tracking & Attribution
1056 RawConvSearchWithLabels Tracking & Attribution
1057 RawConvSocialWithLabels Tracking & Attribution
1058 Search Campaign Performance By Day Connected Channels
1059 Ad Performance by Day of the Week Ad Server
1060 Ad Performance Segmented By Device (MOM) Connected Channels
1062 ConversionCards Raw Data Tracking & Attribution
1063 Creative Performance by Day Ad Server
1064 Daily Search Campaign Performance Connected Channels
1065 DownloadClickLogsData Tracking & Attribution
1066 DownloadConversionLogsData Tracking & Attribution
1067 Goal And Revenue Tracking & Attribution
1069 Keyword Performance By Day Connected Channels
1070 Landing Page Performance Report Connected Channels
1071 Multi Touch Attribution By Campaign Tracking & Attribution
1072 Multi Touch Attribution By Engine Tracking & Attribution
1073 Multi Touch Attribution Raw Logs Tracking & Attribution
1074 Organic Conversion Data Tracking & Attribution
1075 Organic Conversion Data (xCart) Tracking & Attribution
1076 Raw Conversion Log - U Shape Tracking & Attribution
1077 Raw Conversion Log Data Tracking & Attribution
1078 Raw Conversion Log Data (Xcart) Tracking & Attribution
1079 Raw Conversion Log with xCart - U Shape Tracking & Attribution
1080 Search Campaign Performance By Device Connected Channels
1081 Sitelink level stage data Tracking & Attribution
1082 Social Campaign Performance By Day Connected Channels
1084 xCart Sales Insights Tracking & Attribution
1085 XCart Sales Insights With Products Tracking & Attribution
1087 Conversion Path Report Tracking & Attribution
1088 Short URL Performance Report Tracking & Attribution
1089 Social Campaign Performance By Device by Date Connected Channels
1091 External By Device by Date External Channels

API Request

Endpoint Template


Request Parameters

Parameter Name Description / Notes Values / Examples
{DELTAX_URL} Your DeltaX Portal URL domain Examples:,
{REPORT_FORMAT} Depending on the format of the report, this value needs to be substituted appropriately. CSV - AdHocReportDataCsv, HTML - ShowAdhocData
{BUSINESS_PROFILE_ID} The unique business profile ID Examples: 1501
{AUTH_KEY} The authorization key for the user. This must be a valid token generated from the DeltaX platform UI. Example: f55ab576dffasd5344c2cbd069c0944a0cec520
{USER_ID} The ID of the user who generated the report API URL. This must be a valid user on the DeltaX platform - who has access to the required business profile. Example: 10910
{REPORT_NAME} The name of the report. This value must be urlencoded. Example: Ad%20Perf%20By%20Day
{REPORT_ID} The ID of the report you want to request. A list of available standard reports is mentioned in this document. For custom reports, your ID will be generated on the DeltaX platform UI. Example: 1001
{DATE_RANGE} The date range of the report. The value needs to be urlencoded. Example: Last%207%20Days. When using relative ranges like “Last 7 Days”, the date range of the report will depend on when the request is made. Valid Values: Today, Yesterday, Last 7 Days, Last 14 Days, Last 30 Days, This Month, Last Month, This Week (Sun - Today), This Week (Mon - Today), Last Week (Sun - Sat), Last Week (Mon - Sat), Last Business Week (Mon - Fri), This Month (till Today), This Month (till Yesterday), This Year, Last Year, All Time, Custom Range
{FROM_DATE} The start date of the report, in MM/dd/yyyy format. Required ONLY if DATE_RANGE is "Custom Range" Example: 05%2F28%2F2019
{TO_DATE} The end date of the report, in MM/dd/yyyy format. Required ONLY if DATE_RANGE is "Custom Range" Example: 06%2F03%2F2019


Example 1: Pull "Ad Performance By Day" report for the Last 7 Days, in a CSV format

curl "https://{DELTAX_URL}/App/InteractiveReports/AdHocReportDataCsv/1501?agencyId=1501&businessProfileId=1501&relativeDateRangeLabel=Last%207%20Days&queryId=1001&reportName=Ad%20Performance%20By%20Day&userId=10910&cultureName=en-US&authKey=f55ab576dffasd5344c2cbd069c0944a0cec520"

Example 2: Pull "Daily Search Campaign Performance" report for a custom date range (January 4th 2019 to January 20th 2019), in a HTML format

# Example 2: Pull "Daily Search Campaign Performance" report for a custom date range (January 4th 2019 to January 20th 2019), in a HTML format
curl "https://{DELTAX_URL}/App/InteractiveReports/ShowAdhocData/1501?agencyId=1501&businessProfileId=1501&relativeDateRangeLabel=Custom%20Range&fromDate=1%2F4%2F2019&toDate=1%2F20%2F2019&queryId=1064&reportName=Daily%20Search%20Campaign%20Performance&userId=10910&cultureName=en-US&authKey=f55ab576dffasd5344c2cbd069c0944a0cec520"

Example 1

Pull "Ad Performance By Day" report for the Last 7 Days, in a CSV format

Parameter Name Values
{REPORT_FORMAT} AdHocReportDataCsv
{DATE_RANGE} Last 7 Days
{REPORT_ID} 1001
{REPORT_NAME} Ad Performance By Day
{USER_ID} 1091
{AUTH_KEY} f55ab576dffasd5344c2cbd069c0944a0cec520

Example 2

Pull "Daily Search Campaign Performance" report for a custom date range (January 4th 2019 to January 20th 2019), in a HTML format


Parameter Name Values
{DATE_RANGE} Custom Range
{FROM_DATE} 1/4/2019
{TO_DATE} 1/20/2019
{REPORT_ID} 1064
{REPORT_NAME} Daily Search Campaign Performance
{USER_ID} 1091
{AUTH_KEY} f55ab576dffasd5344c2cbd069c0944a0cec520

Error Codes

The DeltaX API uses the following error codes:

Error Code Meaning
400 Bad Request -- Your request is invalid.
401 Unauthorized -- Your authorization key is wrong.
500 Internal Server Error -- We had a problem with our server. Try again later.
503 Service Unavailable -- We're temporarily offline for maintenance. Please try again later.